An unorthodox winerie in the Alps
A winerie with a fantastic story and makes for a more itneresting visit than any other,Gilles Berlioz has an unorthodox journey for a grower who has now become an iconic figure in the industry. Initially drawn to the idea of a rural life, he first experimented with flower cultivation and then ventured into vine growing. However, he struggled to make a sustainable living from this and eventually transitioned to work as a builder. Unfortunately, he experienced a life-altering accident that cost him two fingers. During his recovery, he found himself back in his hometown of Chignin, surrounded by his family's vineyards. It was in this moment, amidst the familiar vines, that he decided to give winemaking a chance. In 1990, Gilles and his wife Christine settled down in Chignin, to start their on a journey that would lead them to gradually buy 8 hectares of vineyards. All the while, Gilles continued to work as a landscaper, forging a unique path in the world of winemaking.
60 chemin du Mollard de la Tour - Le Viviers Le, Rte des Coteaux du Viviers, 73800 Chignin, France