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A Refreshed Pollença Townhouse Is A Masterclass In Design Flow

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November 26, 2024

Taking design cues from the existing and iconic elements of this Mallorca home, the August design team has opened up this property beautifully to create flow and make space for conviviality.

Taking design cues from the existing and iconic elements of this Mallorca home, the August design team has opened up this property beautifully to create flow and make space for conviviality.

A Finer Taste of Premium Living

From the thoughtful and secluded location, to the elevated mod cons; in this Premium Collection property, Homeowners can expect a unique space for seamless day-to-day living, hosting, and relaxing in. Cleverly reconfigured to comfortably sleep ten and entertain even more, the space is well-equipped with a pool and gorgeous 180 degree views of the Puig de Maria hill. It is nothing short of impressive. Let’s step inside with August's Head of Design.

A Space Designed For Conviviality

Starting on the ground floor, the design team replaced all of the floor tiles to refresh the space and create continuity. Neutral colours with rugged texture and hints of warmer colours travel throughout. The key was to make all the rooms feel connected, so that guests would enjoy a beautiful sense of togetherness - without it being open plan.

"We wanted to have very clear, distinctive entertaining spaces," shares Head of August Design, Karolina Wierzbicka. "You've got the double original wood doors that open up. Then you've got another set of glass doors that lead you on into the main space." The theme is a mixture of modern with timeless pieces that add warmth and tactility to make it feel welcoming. What truly infused the colour story was the focal point of the main living room as we can see above. "We have this amazing reddish marble fireplace. So we also took a lot of inspiration and colour tones out of that red marble, adding touches of it throughout the house," continues Karolina. "We even have an original bookcase that was already put in by the previous owner."

Wooden corner bookcase in living room with neutral couch in front

With two large four seater sofas, a striking coffee table and more to spark conversation with others, this is the ultimate space to lounge in. Still, there are plenty more areas to gather around. "We've got the two chairs at the entrance way, which you can pull out and create another lounging zone. It is really about entertaining."

Gallery wall of contemporary art work frames two iconic chairs in neutrally-decorated space

Dining Together

Next to the living room is the dining area where a beautifully carved table, created by carpenter Adrian Nicolov, takes centre-stage. Woven elements, a sculptural pendant light and more oversized features add design depth, all accentuated by billowing, white drapes that unveil the exterior. "This is where we have a beautiful, commissioned piece of art on the wall too. Then we love the two double doors that lead out to the garden," shares Karolina.

Dining room with imposing hand-carved table by Adrian
Mallorca limestone is used throughout the ground floor. It is textured and neutral, with some light veining. It is also mined on the island.

Dining area with wooden table and woven pendant light looking out onto garden area with pool and red, white awning
The dining space looks out onto the pool.

A Garden Space With Atmosphere

With an iconic pool already in position, as well as beautiful stone floors and carved features left by the original owners in a previous renovation, the design team aimed to enhance the authenticity of the outdoor space, making it even more inviting. "The previous owner had a really nice lion feature and there's a lovely angel detail holding up the terrace. What we wanted to do was maximise the space."

They installed a wonderful dining area to be a shaded spot by day and a dream for entertaining family and guests by night. "We reconfigured it and created a lengthier dining space with a built-in bench also. Then as we had the terrace above, this allowed us to add in a ceiling fan to keep the area nice and cool."

Blue curved pool in outdoor space with greenery climbing the walls romantically and red and white canopy covering outdoor dining table

The team also added striped awnings -  for practicality and a pop of modern pattern. "It's great that the property has multiple levels, but, as you can imagine, the top floor gets super, super hot. I wanted to make sure that we protected the interior and we tried to keep the house as cool as possible, which is why we added the awnings on every single terrace."

Opening Up The Sleeping Spaces

Moving through the home to the next floors, you keep a sense of connectivity but also privacy. Structurally, the home was in good shape, but to ensure that it could comfortably accommodate ten, the August design team created a fifth room out of what was initially a walk-in wardrobe-type space adjoined to the master bedroom. “We put up a wall and separated it to create a usable twin room. It has its own bathroom too.”

Bedroom space looking out onto balcony with striped awning in view
The primary bedroom has its own terrace with loungers.

Freestanding bath in terracotta tones overlooking small balcony

Move through the house and you will find a master bedroom and bath. Another wonderful feature on the first floor, towards the back of the property, is a study space with a view. Featuring big windows that face the side and back of the house, here you will have palm trees to accompany any remote working days. "It feels very lush."

Study space with statement ceiling lamp and view of palm tree beyond

A Top Floor Suite Made For Dreaming

For a true sense of luxury, the design team focused on renovating the top floor to give it a more exclusive feel and distinguish it from the rest of the home. "I thought it was such a special room that it truly deserves to be its own suite,” says Karolina. “It didn't have a bathroom initially which meant that you had to go down the stairs, to the second floor, so we wanted to make sure that it was its own suite, especially as it's got those amazing, arched windows, the best terrace and the most exceptional views."

Master bedroom with wooden beams and curved mirror over vanity

Special and with a few design quirks too, the team overcame some challenges from the particularly low, sloped ceilings. “There was perhaps only 70 or 80 centimetres to work with, which is quite low,” continues Karolina. For clearance purposes, the wall was brought out and the headboard was given a lovely plaster finish, anchoring the space and adding much-needed storage too. “It is an amazing room, and you're on the third floor so you've got this incredible terrace." With added mod cons like a mini fridge and coffee machine and loungers, you can while away the hours here in every season.

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